Thursday, August 13, 2009


A 13-year-old Milwaukee girl is accused of fatally stabbing her step-grandfather Robert Moon, 48, because he poured the milk for her cereal down the drain.

After Moon dumped the milk - saying another child in the house had to be fed first - Brown grabbed a paring knife and stabbed him in the neck, police said.

"She stabbed me, she stabbed me in the neck," Moon said as he collapsed Saturday.

Cops said Brown told a neighbor: "I stabbed him! I cut his throat! He's dead ... I'm not afraid to go to jail for this."

She was held on a reckless homicide charge.

Public defender Joy Sherard said county officials had intervened in the household the past. "This is about more than spilled milk," she said.

See I don't know. It may have just been about the milk. I know I've had a few nice cold glasses of milk as a child that were so good I held the cup with both hands and closed my eyes. Now I couldn't imagine what unlawful shyt I would have done if a muthafuka would have knocked that cup out of my hands.

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